

I’m pretty excited about CMI 3377, better known as Designing For Play. I’m a big fan of video games, so when I saw this class I was pretty hyped.

I didn’t know that it would be mainly about analog games, such as board games and card games. However,  I am interested in how these games are developed and created, as there are so many games of this caliber with so many ideas already out in the world and published, that are household names and key staples to family nights across nations.

I hope to learn how to make a good game in this type of games, as I have always wanted to try to make something of the sort to see if I would be good in that field or not. Even though I do talk about how cool those sorts of games can be and how they could bring people together, I prefer video games, mainly in the horror genre, over sit down games with boards or cards. I like seeing the graphics and the way the developer uses psychology to scare the player and make the experiment more terrifying.

Like I said, I mainly play video games in the horror genre, but I also like to play party games online with friends, such as Fall Guys, Golf It, and Cards Against Humanity. I only started liking these sorts of games recently as all of my closest friends are back in my hometown, which is 9+ hours away from Texas Tech. These party games allow me to feel closer and keeps our friendship alive while I am away for my education.

I also play open world games like Minecraft, Sims 4, and Astroneer, as I can let my imagination flow and make whatever I want, as well as help myself see my visions in a 3D plane rather than drawing it out or trying to describe it to someone else. I could simply make it in one of these games, take a photo, and show who I want to show so they can see my vision.

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